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Club Med Joyview宣布Club Med Joyview千岛湖度假村最新任命


Club Med Joyview千岛湖度假村 – 总经理 – 付磊先生

Club Med Joyview宣布Club Med Joyview千岛湖度假村最新任命插图

近日,Club Med Joyview千岛湖度假村正式任命付磊先生出任度假村总经理一职,付磊先生将全面负责度假村的筹备开业及运营管理工作。

付磊先生拥有超过29年的酒店工作和管理经验,曾服务于多个国际和国内酒店品牌,包括香格里拉、凯莱等。此次履新之前,付磊先生在Club Med Joyview北戴河黄金海岸度假村担任总经理,凭借其敏锐的市场洞察力,出色的运营管理和收益管理经验,付磊先生成功带领其团队为度假村创造过诸多优秀业绩。

付磊先生表示:“我很高兴能将Club Med的快乐基因与多元文化带到千岛湖,我和我的团队有信心把Club Med Joyview千岛湖度假村打造成为江浙沪高品质的度假胜地。”

Club Med Joyview千岛湖度假村将于2022年开业,其坐落于千岛湖·鲁能胜地,湖林环绕,风景旖旎。度假村拥有222间客房及独立套房,不仅有国际自助餐厅为宾客带来丰富的美味盛宴,还有主酒吧为宾客呈现精彩的G.O表演或组织不同主题的晚间派对;大型迷你俱乐部让孩子在音乐、艺术、游戏等体验中获得灵感与成长;更有室内运动场、室内外泳池等设施让宾客收获兼具活力与悠闲的享受。

Club Med Joyview Thousand Island – General Manager

Recently, Club Med Joyview Thousand Island Resort has officially appointed Rocky Fu as the General Manager of the resort. Mr. Rocky Fu will be fully responsible for the resort’s opening preparations and operation management.

Mr. Rocky Fu has more than 29 years of working and management experience in hotel industry, he has served many international and domestic hotel brands, including Shangri-La, Gloria, etc. Prior to this new appointment, Mr. Rocky Fu served as the General Manager of Club Med Joyview Golden Coast Resort. With his keen market insight, excellent operation management and revenue management experience, Mr. Rocky Fu successfully led his team to create lots of excellent performance for the resort.

Mr. Rocky Fu said: “I am very happy to bring Club Med’s happiness genes and multiculturalism to Qiandao Lake. My team and I are confident to build Club Med Joyview Thousand Island Resort as one of the best resort in Yangtze Delta area.”

Club Med Joyview Thousand Island Resort is located in Qiandao Luneng Resort area, surrounded by lakes, forests and beautiful scenery. The resort has 222 guest rooms including independent suites. Not only does the international buffet restaurant bring guests a rich and delicious feast, but the main bar also presents guests with wonderful G.O performances or night events with diverse themes; A large Mini Club allows children to know new friends, also inspiration and growth can be obtained from the experience of music, art and games; Meanwhile, there are also indoor sports fields, indoor and outdoor swimming pools and other facilities to allow guests to gain both vitality and leisurely enjoyment.

Club Med Joyview千岛湖度假村 – 市场销售总监 – 步燕媚女士

Club Med Joyview宣布Club Med Joyview千岛湖度假村最新任命插图(1)

近日,Club Med Joyview千岛湖度假村正式任命步燕媚女士出任市场销售总监,步燕媚女士将协助总经理开展筹备开业工作,同时将全面负责度假村的市场开发、营销推广等工作。


在全新的职业旅途中,步燕媚女士将利用其专业能力和丰富的实践经验,带领市场销售团队为Club Med Joyview千岛湖度假村不断创造市场佳绩。

Club Med Joyview Thousand Island – Director of Sales and Marketing

Recently, Club Med Joyview Thousand Island Resort has officially appointed Ms. Pucca Bu as the Director of Sales and Marketing. Ms. Pucca Bu will assist General Manager for opening preparation and will be fully responsible for the resort’s market development, promotion and communication.

Ms. Pucca Bu started her hotel career in 2011 and has 10 years of experience in hotel marketing and sales. She has served several international brands such as Hyatt, Marriott, and Shangri-La. Prior to this new role, Ms. Pucca Bu served as the Director of Sales and Marketing at Park Hyatt Suzhou, was responsible for sales strategy planning, marketing communication, and managing guests resources and relationship. In this new career journey, Ms. Pucca Bu will leverage her professional capability and rich practical experience to lead the Marketing and Sales team to continuously create the excellent performance for Club Med Joyview Thousand Island Resort.

关于Club Med Joyview

Club Med Joyview是Club Med集团旗下短途游品牌,旨在为中国宾客打造独一无二的目的地体验,以全新的视角和感受融入当地,发现别样精彩,收获缤纷快乐。Club Med Joyview秉承了Club Med一价全包假期理念,同时也致力于通过多样的定制化解决方案为宾客提供更多假期灵活选择,为家庭及企业带来精彩非凡的短途度假体验。Club Med Joyview目前拥有安吉、北戴河黄金海岸和北京延庆三座度假村,2021年即将迎来南京汤山温泉度假村和南京仙林度假村

关于Club Med

Club Med 由 Gerard Blitz 创立于1950年,提供了“精致一价全包”的全新度假理念,并于1967年创立了儿童俱乐部,为孩子们提供了丰富的活动。Club Med 以其开拓性精神为主导去发掘奇幻目的地。如今,Club Med 已经成为全球“精致一价全包”的领导品牌,通过法式元素的融入,为家庭及情侣打造难忘的度假体验。

Club Med在全球范围内有着近70座度假村,其中85%是“精致一价全包”及“Exclusive Collection空间”的度假胜地。Club Med 遍布于全球约30个国家,拥有着来自110个不同国籍的23,000多名亲善组织者 (G.Os)和亲善员工(G.Es)。